📮Easy-YOPmail (v3.0.0)
All the power of the YOPmail anonymous mail system. Without having to leave your application. Create, list and read emails. Everything from NodeJS.
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All the power of the YOPmail anonymous mail system. Without having to leave your application. Create, list and read emails. Everything from NodeJS.
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It is an online platform (https://yopmail.com/es/). Used as a mail management system, it can generate random mails and receive and send mails. very commonly used in test environments. or to avoid using your personal email when you fill out a form.
It is an NPM library for nodeJS. That arises from the need to be able to generate random emails, list your inbox and read the emails received, without the need to manually enter any website. Using the YOPmail platform and running asynchronously. Notably useful for scraping, testing, and automations in general.